One pint vanilla ice cream
12 chocolate-chip cookies
1\2 cup chocolate sprinkles
Mixing all this together you can get very tasty Ice-cream sandwiches!
One white shirt
One black jacket
One pair of black trousers
One pair of black socks
One pair of black leather shoes
One tie
All this together will make a great suit for a business man.
Hotel - 320$ per night
Tickets - 750$ round trip
Daily allowance - 100$
Accounting all this you can enjoy the 7-day vacation somewhere in Miami Beach.
There are 256 countries in the world, 4 oceans and 7 deserts.A human consists of 60% of the water and only 2% of the salt.
Interesting facts, huh?It seems a human can measure and count everything! Especially due to the technological progress it became easier and more available for people. But that all is just material wealth!Do you think those things can make you happy? Satisfied maybe, but not fulfilled or pleased.Did you ever try to measure such things as HEALTH? HAPPINESS? KINDNESS? CARES? FAITH? BEAUTY? JOY?LOVE?
You can get a house, but not coziness,
You can get a bed, but not a dream,
You can get watch, but not time,
You can get a book, but not knowledge,
You can get a position, but not respect,
You can pay for a doctor, but can’t buy health,
You can have sex, but not love,
You can be wealthy, but not happy,
You can find a road, but not your way\journey,
You can have a weapon, but not power,
You even can get a goal, but not sense.
Because those things are immeasurable!
Many people are certain they can buy everything. But just imagine for a moment, will it make you happy if you get $ 1 000 000? You state “Yes!” Because you start thinking about the possibility of getting again just material things, especially the ones you dreamed of but couldn’t afford yourself. I don’t want to call you “greedy” because it is a natural reaction, but in all truthfulness you are, if it is the first thing which comes to your mind. The happiness isn’t concluded in money and never was, believe me. People who fight for money the whole their life end up being alone and crushed. It reminds me a myth about one very rich King who died because he didn’t have anybody to bring him a glass of water but he had all those millions of dollars. But it is another story!God endued a man with many abilities! We people are able to have such feelings as pain and love etc. We are being intelligent in comparison with animals and can make choices in our life: any choices whether - it is just a simple choice “What would I wear today?” or solving any problems standing on the crossroad of our life.Did you hear the saying “The beauty will rescue the World”? Yes, it is partly true, but from the history we all know how many fights there were because of the beautiful women. So you ask me then “what kind of beauty will rescue the World?” There are two kinds of beauty – external and internal one. And it might be two different persons, like one having a beautiful inner world with the light pouring out but not being so attractive, but the other one is with a beautiful face but “empty” inside. Really meaning this word “empty”!Inner beauty is immeasurable! The same can say about love! It can take someone a lifetime to find his true love. True love which will make him the happiest man alive. Being so happy he will be healthy and no other material wealth can replace it. True love which makes you feel wings behind your back, which can do miracles to the people and the world itself. The feeling is so huge that it's even hard to put into one word LOVE! To the question "How much you love me?" you say "Soo much, like the Earth!" But how big is the Earth? 40 000 km in diameter. Is it big enough to compare it to the love you feel when it is true?I highly doubt! Because true love is immeasurable!Who said “love is blind” is completely wrong. Visa verse it opens your heart and eyes to the world you have never seen before. It makes you feel so high flying on a cloud nine that you can barely keep yourself together and not lose your mind. It’s like a fresh air in the early morning when you take a breath it gives you shivers up and down. It makes you enjoy the small things people usually don’t even notice which eventually make the big ones. You smile without any reasons giving joy everybody around. When you don’t have to say anything and you do know what he is silent about. When you sense everything what can make him happy and you do want to make him happy and just be always around him…inseparable. It makes you feel warm when others are freezing. It makes you happy when others are down. It makes you see the rainbow after the raining day or walk under the rain and laugh at the raindrops falling down on you and making you all wet but it’s not the point! It makes you sometimes do crazy things but you don’t regret of them because it is so natural. It gives you some unreal power which moves you, encourages you, and makes you more confident in yourself, helps you to realize your hidden potential and talents! In a couple of words love makes you live your life up! True love also helps you handle things you thought you would never do!
Interesting picture!
A couple of a man and a woman are walking along the shore enjoying the view of the lake, holding hands. They talk for hours, laughing at different things, playing with each other but all of a sudden just look at one another without having to say a word and give each other a kiss “like-no-one-is-around”, “like-there-is-no-tomorrow”. And they do it so naturally, sensing each other so well, acting like in unison that at first glance it may seem they are united forever. Even if they fight, they do it with soo much respect to each other, caring about hurting each others’ feelings, working things out carefully and just talking through them. That’s the beauty of TRUE LOVE! They want to spend as much time as they can together doing all kinds of things whether it is just lying down in the bed embracing each other or learning new things, or partying, or again being so sensual sharing their feelings. And it seems they can’t get enough one from another, as if they were literally “drugged”. Believe me or not, this picture is from my life and I was soo blessed to find my ONE and ONLY love of my life! And this love is immeasurable!
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