Dear Lord,
i wanted to apologize that i so rarely talk to you. But today wanted to say a special prayer to you. I want to thank you first of all for giving me life, for everything what's happening to me every single day, for everything you put on my life journey. I thank you for giving me a chance to see the beauty of the universe. You opened it for me like a book of wisdom. Thank you for all your evident and hidden mercies. Thank you for every breath i take, for every step i make. I thank you for helping me throughout my life being my guardian angel right by my side and rise me if I fall and still being with me if i do mistakes never judging me. Thank you for your patience. You take a good care of your children, you love them soo deeply no matter what and i want to thank you for that. Thank you for the look of a rose, the smell of the rain, for the feeling of forever- thank you for the love, for that most sacred feeling, oh God you taught us how to love, to take care, to dream, to bring joy and happiness to others not pretending to get anything in return. Thank you for all the colors of the world, for the flavors, scents, sounds. Thank you for the beauty of the nature! Thank you for your creations you put your heart in! Thank you for the sun, for the moon, for the stars, for the wind! Thank you for the light in our hearts, which only a true love can provide a spark for. I have everything what I ever wanted to in my life. Whether i am healthy or sick, happy or sad you are always with me, i would pray to you and i know i will be heard. Thank you for forgiving us the sins. You make us go through on our own, making mistakes but learning from them. Thank you for the food i eat, for the water i drink, for the people i meet.
Dear Heavenly Father,
you have blessed me with special loved ones, my family, friends who have loved me and comforted me throughout this life of mine. I thank you for them and ask you to give them health and take care of them. You are so powerful, oh dear God, so wise! Your voice can be heard in the storms, in the silence of the forests, in the thunder, in the waves of the endless oceans and skyrocketing mountains. Today my Dear God, on this special day i pray for the loved one you gave me. I know whatever you do or whoever you send to us is for the purest reasons and i know you want the best for your children. So i want to thank you so much for this one who is so special to me. Who is my true love, my soulmate. I will never be tired of thanking you for that. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. He is the one who makes me happy and complete. I pray for this one on this special day for him, his birthday! I pray for his smiles and love, for his friends that true. I pray for sunshine, for warmth and tenderness. I pray for unexpected moments of joy and laughter. But most of all i pray for peace for him. Thank you for giving us a chance to be together right here, right now. Watch him and tend him, Be his resolute rock. Don't let him falter, Don't let him fall, Wait with him, Father, Be there for his call. Hold his hand firmly, Wipe his tears gently, Should he start to weep. Teach him to follow, Help him to walk, In Your shadow each day. Strengthen his body, Should he deny You, Stay with him still. Give him Your shoulder, On which he may rest, Embrace him warmly, Next to Your breast. Please place Your hand, Upon his dear head, And give him Your blessing, As his spirit is fed. Quiet his mind, Comfort his soul, Put peace in his heart, Make his life whole. Give him a vision, of Your tender smile, Let him feel loved.
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