Have you ever been angry at your clock that you don’t have enough time for anything? Have you ever thought about having 25 hrs per day instead of 24 in order to be able to do everything what you wanted to? Have you ever thought about being in many places at a time instead of being in one? Have you ever thought about going back in time and change something or simply do whatever you didn’t have enough time for then back? Have you ever thought about simply sitting and reminiscing what you are doing or what you are here for? Have you ever thought about stopping the time when you are with your love one because this time is so damn short and you know you will have to depart soon again?
Time is a very interesting thing - it goes slow on one hand especially when you wait for something and races the way too fast on the other hand. Look for example at the way we treat time. When we are young we are in hurry to grow up and do things that only adults are allowed to do. But when we do grow up and get all things we wanted to there is a paradox, we don’t want to be in hurry any more, visa versa we want to stop this time sometimes. But the process has been started. Now its not us pushing the time, its time pushes us now. So we have to be in hurry to be able to do as much as we have enough time for. You do day-to-day things like going to\from work, working hard, doing some housework, pleasing the others etc. But you do it almost automatically. You don’t enjoy the process! If you read this while eating your lunch on your lunch break, stop and look at what you eat, where you are and who you are around. Look around and you will see many simple things that can make you happy, make you enjoy your life and make it complete. Don’t let time take away this pleasure! Don’t let time manage you or your life, do manage your time! Yes, it's impossible to have enough time for everything, but we can at the very least enjoy the time we have and use every single minute of it . So when the time passes by we cherish the memories of what we have done during this time.
You know they say "3 main goals of a man are to grow the tree, to build the house and to give a birth to the son". Sounds old school and might sound nowadays like that "To grow up in career, to provide yourself with everything like the house, car etc, and settle a family". And they are a lifetime goals and they used to think he will have enough time to implement them in life. Most of the time he does, but not always. Is there anybody at all who ever thought about main goals of a woman? Of a modern woman who nowadays plays big roles in the career, who drives the cars, builds\maintains the house, who supports the family. Nobody have ever tries to assume. They all used to think that a woman should be able to manage her time the way that she has enough time for everything. But we forgot about the main thing in our lives. While pleasing the others and in chase of getting all the material goods we forgot about our feelings. There cannot be a family without love, there cannot be a success without a support from a loving one. There is a saying you may all know "The beauty will save the world" but I got another saying "Love will save the world"! Without love there is no sense in our lives. And it doesn’t matter how fast the time goes, without love it is senseless anyway. But we all want to not just exist, right? We all want to enjoy our life and live it up! But it's impossible without your true love! And if you got one, I'm really happy for you because I know you take no account of time. I wish it to all!
Now I talk to all women! Hey girls, what's up? What's wrong with you? Stop complaining you don’t have enough time for everything! I know time is too short but try to take as much as you can from what you got. Do NOT try to jump higher than your head is. Are you going to make a revolution? Do NOT try to make men feel weaker than they are simply because you think you can be independent! Then you ask why we need men if we can everything by ourselves. It's not right! We do need them, need their loving and need to love, need their caring and need to take care of someone. That’s what we are here for! You cant earn all money in the world and the happiness is simply not in money. That’s why you don’t have enough time for everything simply because you are going a wrong way, you chose a wrong path. You know we are all humans and our time here is limited. But it doesn’t mean we have to sit and wait for the last day being disable to enjoy our life, to count this time and vent on the lack of it.
So if you didn’t find your true love yet, go for it! Busy with your daily stuff? Sad, you will never hear the birds singing, will never see the sunlight playing on your wall, will never smile on the rainbow after the rain, because only people in love can notice those things and have enough time to enjoy them. Like kids! They don’t track the time and they are happy! And life is beautiful!
Time is a very interesting thing - it goes slow on one hand especially when you wait for something and races the way too fast on the other hand. Look for example at the way we treat time. When we are young we are in hurry to grow up and do things that only adults are allowed to do. But when we do grow up and get all things we wanted to there is a paradox, we don’t want to be in hurry any more, visa versa we want to stop this time sometimes. But the process has been started. Now its not us pushing the time, its time pushes us now. So we have to be in hurry to be able to do as much as we have enough time for. You do day-to-day things like going to\from work, working hard, doing some housework, pleasing the others etc. But you do it almost automatically. You don’t enjoy the process! If you read this while eating your lunch on your lunch break, stop and look at what you eat, where you are and who you are around. Look around and you will see many simple things that can make you happy, make you enjoy your life and make it complete. Don’t let time take away this pleasure! Don’t let time manage you or your life, do manage your time! Yes, it's impossible to have enough time for everything, but we can at the very least enjoy the time we have and use every single minute of it . So when the time passes by we cherish the memories of what we have done during this time.
You know they say "3 main goals of a man are to grow the tree, to build the house and to give a birth to the son". Sounds old school and might sound nowadays like that "To grow up in career, to provide yourself with everything like the house, car etc, and settle a family". And they are a lifetime goals and they used to think he will have enough time to implement them in life. Most of the time he does, but not always. Is there anybody at all who ever thought about main goals of a woman? Of a modern woman who nowadays plays big roles in the career, who drives the cars, builds\maintains the house, who supports the family. Nobody have ever tries to assume. They all used to think that a woman should be able to manage her time the way that she has enough time for everything. But we forgot about the main thing in our lives. While pleasing the others and in chase of getting all the material goods we forgot about our feelings. There cannot be a family without love, there cannot be a success without a support from a loving one. There is a saying you may all know "The beauty will save the world" but I got another saying "Love will save the world"! Without love there is no sense in our lives. And it doesn’t matter how fast the time goes, without love it is senseless anyway. But we all want to not just exist, right? We all want to enjoy our life and live it up! But it's impossible without your true love! And if you got one, I'm really happy for you because I know you take no account of time. I wish it to all!
Now I talk to all women! Hey girls, what's up? What's wrong with you? Stop complaining you don’t have enough time for everything! I know time is too short but try to take as much as you can from what you got. Do NOT try to jump higher than your head is. Are you going to make a revolution? Do NOT try to make men feel weaker than they are simply because you think you can be independent! Then you ask why we need men if we can everything by ourselves. It's not right! We do need them, need their loving and need to love, need their caring and need to take care of someone. That’s what we are here for! You cant earn all money in the world and the happiness is simply not in money. That’s why you don’t have enough time for everything simply because you are going a wrong way, you chose a wrong path. You know we are all humans and our time here is limited. But it doesn’t mean we have to sit and wait for the last day being disable to enjoy our life, to count this time and vent on the lack of it.
So if you didn’t find your true love yet, go for it! Busy with your daily stuff? Sad, you will never hear the birds singing, will never see the sunlight playing on your wall, will never smile on the rainbow after the rain, because only people in love can notice those things and have enough time to enjoy them. Like kids! They don’t track the time and they are happy! And life is beautiful!
But it is so difficult, it is difficult to break away from everyday affairs, but I try to live a full life)
ОтветитьУдалить.. Your post will help many office workers))
Thank you that you write,)
aww sweety :) it's so nice of you!
ОтветитьУдалитьso happy to hear you like it! And will be much happier if it helps someone!