My Love mia Bella,
There are so many sayings about love. Love for all intense purposes is a word, is overused by many not knowing what true love is. Love should never be used without meaning. One saying about love came to me in my thoughts the other day “Love is blind”. I thought about this for a good while. In many ways others may see us and state love is blind for us as a couple due to many things like age, countries, distance and a few other things. In reality to others this may be true or viewed by others that is true. However, I believe others view it a certain way like “oh they overcome this due to their love”. To me and for us this never factored in the equation. When I look at you if you lose or gain weight I don’t really see I, I’m blind to it. To me my weight you view the same way. The only thing I care about is your health. When I look at you I only see you. You that is so sexy, sensual and oh so sweet and loving.
Ok, all over the place my love. Let me get back to my point. To me you know it when I look at you that I care and love you so deeply that you provide everything for me and that I want to provide everything to you. To this day and in my heart I believe for the rest of my life I never see any “oh I wish Bella would do this, say that, do that, gain this, lose that”. It is not I’m totally aware or ignore nor you vice versa. But that we see our loved one.
Bella is see my lover, soulmate and true love. Love is not blinding us, it actually makes us see better. It allows us to connect like no other couple; I or we know because we can see each other in a way and light no other can. To us “love is blind” has a meaning very different than any other couple we know. Have you ever looked or stared into blind persons’ eyes? Well, there is virtually no movement in a large part because then cannot see light. The prior receptionist saw a twinkle in your eyes about love and then a deep deep emptiness. The emptiness that can only be turned on and opened with a certain light or certain key. That key or light is us and our love. People do see the same in my eyes. They say there are many things you can hide but the eyes are very telling. The “tell” holds true of us when we are apart we think and yearn so much for us and what each other provides but the eyes tell it all. Let us allow the light to shine bright each and every day by us providing something so simple. Let us simply touch each other our touch and looking at each other is not but simply remarkable.
Here again and again these words have such deeper meanings than others might describe.
I love you Bella. Love you soo much. Love you forever.
We do it blindly because we do not see each other.